A Respone to Brandon/ Rounders (1998) Not an official review

Recently I posted a review of 21, and I recieved a comment from "Brandon". He stated that he disgareed with my statement that all movies about cards are boring, and that I should see Rounders. Well Brandon, I took you up on it, and I must say, I have been proved wrong. I don't quite feel like reviewing Rounders officially, but it was a very good movie that did have a lot of excitement. Thank you for the suggestion, as I am always happy to find new movies to love, and thanks to you I have found another. There were a lot of excellent performances and I thought the ending was great and very satisfying. My Rating (7/10)

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Movies given a 10/10

  • Milk
  • In Bruges
  • Slumdog Millionaire
  • The Dark Knight
  • Iron Man
  • No Country For Old Men
  • The Shining
  • A Clockwork Orange